
Design Issues

Architectural and philosophical points

These statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind the specifications. These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C. They are aimed at the technical community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to provide consistency for for future developments, and avoid repetition of discussions once resolved.

Informal notes not in this series

Obsolete notes

  • Assumed syntax - a simpler RDF syntax used in the following. (1999). This proposed altervative to RDF/XMl was never adopted, RDF/XML prevailing as a standard and in practice also Notation3.
  • When to use XLink (2002/06)

Original design issues

1990 archives These documents date from the original design of the web, dating from 1990 when the first HTML editor was available to write them. When reading them please bear this in mind. Some have been updated later. Although the design is for a global general hypertext system, the justification for the initial project was the CERN environment and this may be evident in some places.

This lists decisions to be made in the design or selection of a hypermedia information system. It assumes familiarity with the concept of hypertext. A summary of the uses of hypertext systems is followed by a list of features which may or may not be available. Some of the points appear in the Comms ACM July 88 articles on various hypertext systems. Some points were discussed also at ECHT90 . Tentative answers to some design decisions from the CERN perspective are included.

Here are the criteria and features to be considered:

These are the three important issues which require agreement between systems which can work together

Other historical notes which are not otherwise referenced in this overview:

Other historical notes


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