Tim Berners-Lee
Date: 2005-06-09, last change: $Date: 2006/10/29 17:19:39 $
Status: personal view only. Editing status: first draft. This was written when
the W3C Technical Architecture group responded TAG issue HTTPRange-14. This
resolves the question originally addressed in a previous What to HTTP URIs
Identify note.
What HTTP URIs Identify
HTTP URIs, in the web architecture, have been used to denote documents -- "web pages" informally, or "information resources" more formally. However, with the growth of the Semantic Web, which uses URIs to denote anything at all, the urge to use and practice of using HTTP URIs for arbitrary things grew steadily. The W3C Technical Architecture group eventually decided to resolve the architectural problem that if an HTTP response code of 200 (a successful retrieval) was given, that indicated that the URI indeed was for an information resource, but with no such response, or with a different code, no such assumption could be made. This compromise resolved the issue, leaving a consistent architecture.
HTTP URIs, in the web architecture, have been used to denote documents -- "web pages" informally, or "information resources" more formally. However, with the growth of the Semantic Web, which uses URIs to denote anything at all, the urge to use and practice of using HTTP URIs for arbitrary things grew steadily. The Dublin Core project, one of the first RDF vocabularies, and later Friend of a Friend, and various others simply used HTTP URIs to identify RDF Properties. The result was that one could no longer be sure that an HTTP URI was intended to identify the web page one got when one used the URI in a browser. In fact, there was a danger of confusion is one party used the URI for an abstract concept and another used it for the web page. The author wrote a long Design Issues note about this, What do HTTP URIs Identify?. The reader is directed to read that if more detail of the arguments is needed.
This whole issue caused, until 2005, a lot of discussion in technical circles, and much heated debate. In June 2005, the TAG resolved the issue as a function of the runtime protocol response. Basically, the argument is that if you have used a URI to get a web page, then you can use the URI to identify the Information Resource which is that web page: For example, the New York Times home page, or this page you are reading now.
The TAG resolution effectively extends the range of things one can use HTTP URIs. However, it does not allow one to simply serve a web page at a URI which is used for something else. Of course, it is a general principle of web architecture that it is useful to serve information to those that look up a URI. In the case that the URI is not intended to be used for an information resource.
The W3C Technical Architecture group eventually decided to resolve the architectural problem that if an HTTP response code of 200 (a successful retrieval) was given, that indicated that the URI indeed was for an information resource, but with no such response, or with a different code, no such assumption could be made. This compromise resolved the issue, leaving a consistent architecture.